...In 1932, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller convinced her husband to commission the famous left-wing Mexican artist Diego Rivera to do a mural for the lobby of the soon-to-be-completed Rockefeller Center in midtown Manhattan in New York City.
Unfortunately, Rivera made the fatal mistake of placing at the center of the 63’ x 17’ mural that depicted “workers at the crossroads of industry, science, socialism and capitalism” the portrait of Soviet leader Lenin without first consulting his patrons. It turned out to be his undoing.
After being severely bashed by the New York media for sponsoring a great piece of art espousing the anti-capitalist ideology, Rockefeller politely asked Rivera to erase the face of Lenin and replace it with someone less controversial.
Rivera suggested Abraham Lincoln, but refused to expunge Lenin.
The story goes that Rivera was then summoned by Rockefeller building people while he was still working on his unfinished mural, handed a check for $14,000 representing the balance of his talent fee, informed that his services were no longer needed and unceremoniously barred him from the site. Shortly after, Rivera’s mural was covered with a drape and a wooden screen to keep it out of public view.
Because he had formally accepted full payment for his services, Rivera was unable to pressure the Rockefellers to exhibit or at least keep his work. The episode ended on a tragic note, because despite efforts by art conservationists to have it transferred to the Museum of Modern Art and furious demonstrations by Rivera supporters, Rockefeller’s workers literally destroyed the valuable artwork using axes and machetes on the night of Feb. 10, 1934.
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